
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse’s First Animatic Was Three Hours Long

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a very ambitious film. While it certainly is, first and foremost, a Miles Morales story, it has the added benefit (or drawback) of featuring a handful of other big Spider-People characters.

Of course, you have Peter Parker — the OG Spider-Man. You have Gwen Stacy, taking on the role of Spider-Woman. And then you have the trifecta of Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Ham, and Peni Parker who controls her own robotic spider. There is plenty of opportunity for us to be led astray in the narrative down the path of no return, but its runtime is a brisk 117 minutes. As it turns out, however, the film’s original animatic was substantially longer, as co-director Bob Persichetti revealed during a Q&A hosted by Collider:

“The very first cut — the animatic, at that time it had a special name called Cabin Fever — was three hours long. So there was a lot of material that had to be formed and focused onto how it could help support Miles and how it could help not to confuse the audience.”

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Of course, many big Hollywood films start out with a lot of bloat to it. As the story is fine-tuned, however, they’re able to trim it quite a bit. But even in that sense, Spider-Verse is unique — at least in animation. In animation, you generally want to prune the story as early as possible so that you’re not wasting any resources on animation. As such, it’s rare to have a film with many fully-animated scenes that are cut. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse cut 10, as Persichetti revealed:

“Another rare thing for an animated film is that there’s animation on the cutting room floor. There’s about 10 minutes of that from this movie, which is a really high number. And there’s one scene specifically that was one we all really loved, but the movie just kept pushing it out. It was like a splinter, and you’re body’s like, ‘Nope, you’re not gonna fit there. Get out.'”

Damn. So there’s a whole lot of content out there. Hopefully, it makes it out there on the Blu-ray!

Would you love to see an extended cut of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Collider

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