
Stranger Things Season 3 Teaser: It’s Feeding Time

When we last left our band of merry children in Stranger Things, all was well. Sure, things weren’t 100 percent resolved, but if one wanted to end things there, it very well could have ended. The immediate threat to Hawkins, Indiana was done, and our kids experienced their first romantic school dances, leaving most promises fulfilled. But we always knew a third go-around was on the way! We’ve been teased in the past, and we are being teased yet again.

The official Stranger Things Twitter account recently took to the social media platform to share a curious video. It’s only seven seconds long, but it managed to unsettle us quite a bit. The shot starts out at some abandoned warehouse, following a whole slew of rats inside. They appear to be congregating towards something, but WHAT that thing is, we don’t know. Along with the video is the cheeky subtitle:

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“it’s almost feeding time 🙃”

So what does this mean? Well, it’s probably safe to assume that the rats aren’t just running towards whatever they’re running towards just for the hell of it. Chances are they’re feeding on something. But are they feeding on the mysterious force or are they feeding on something that mysterious force killed? So many questions, and no answers to lean on just yet.

What do you think of the new teaser? Let us know down below!

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SOURCE: Stranger Things

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