
Taika Waititi’s Akira Rumored To Begin Filming On July 15!

Slow, but surely, a good number of anime and manga properties are making their way to the big screen. Most recently, we had Robert Rodriguez and James Cameron’s Alita: Battle Angel, which was an adaptation of the Battle Angel Alita manga. Before that, we had the Death Note film (for which there is a sequel on the way), and before that we had the controversial Ghost in the Shell film, starring Scarlett Johansson.

The quality of these movies has been inconsistent, but I think we’re ultimately heading in the right direction. One film I have my eye out for is Taika Waititi’s Akira. Based on the manga of the same name by Katsuhiro Otomo, it’ll be the second adaptation the property has had (the first being the highly-regarded animated film from 1988), but we’ve had no idea if and when it would go forward.

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We now have a new rumor from Discussing Film, who is claiming that Waititi’s take will begin filming in Los Angeles on July 15 of this year. So in just two months or so. Co-writing the screenplay with Waititi is Always Be My Maybe’s Michael Golamco. Warner Bros. is currently in the process of casting, and seeing as this is a Japanese property, all eyes will be focused on that particular aspect, since Hollywood has a bad habit of whitewashing Asian adaptations. Additionally, Waititi has always expressed his hope for a diverse cast, so it’ll be interesting to see if he’s able to follow through.

Are you excited to see Waititi’s film making headway? Let us know down below!

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SOURCE: Discussing Film

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