
The Duffer Brothers Are NOT Leaving Stranger Things After Season 3

Have you spent the day crying over dropped Eggos?

Earlier today, we shared a rumor that Matt and Ross Duffer, the creators and showrunners of Stranger Things, will fully involved with Season 3, but will not return for a fourth season. Bummer, right?

Well, thankfully some rumors just aren’t true! Do the Hopper dance!

RELATED: RUMOR: Stranger Things 3 To Be Showrunners The Duffer Brothers’ Last

Responding to rumors that they were losing the showrunners of their most popular show, Netflix brought Lucas’ sister into the mix to calm us all down.

Whew! Thank you, Netflix. That was one sad day until you cleared things up.

Stranger Things Season 3 will shoot this April, with eight episodes that will will be dropped on the streaming platform at an unknown date.

Today’s false rumor was quite the surprise, as the Duffer brothers keep saying they think the series will be best at four seasons long, though some of the cast has been pushing for a fifth season in their interviews. Thankfully, now it does indeed sound like we have these creative twins locked down for two more seasons of the amazing show!

But… what horrors will their minds release next? Now I’m not sad, I’m scared!

Are you glad the Duffer brothers will maintain control of Stranger Things past Season 3? Or were you ready for new management? Let us know in the comment section below!

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SOURCE: Netflix (via Twitter)

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