
The New Mutants: Anya Taylor-Joy Says Reshoots Aren’t Turning It Into A Different Movie

While Fox seems to be doing pretty well with their R-rated Marvel fare (Deadpool, Deadpool 2, and Logan all KILLED it with both critics and fans), they do seem to have hit a bit of a slump with their PG-13 films. X-Men: Apocalypse was received with a bit of a thud by many fan, despite being a competent flick, but their next two films — The New Mutants and X-Men: Dark Phoenix have faced delays.

The New Mutants, in particular, has been delayed over a year, and this has resulted in some rumors that the film has essentially being taken out of the hands of director Josh Boone. While I personally know that NOT to be the case, thanks to a source close to the project, it’s hard not to wonder what exactly is getting changed in these reshoots.

RELATED – X-Men: Dark Phoenix Pushed To Next year, New Mutants Delayed Again

Speaking with Collider, actress Anya Taylor-Joy confirmed that they were, at the very least, still making the same movie:

“I think we’re making the movie that we set out to make, in the beginning. That’s what we’re going to end up delivering to people. It feels like the movie we all signed up to do, which is good.”

So what could they actually be changing that would cause such a delay? If you’re thinking Disney is behind it, I’ll have to burst your bubble, as they had no power in what Fox did until recently — and to be honest, they may not even have that power now, as the transition isn’t complete.

We’ll have to wait and see, but I am interested to see how this turns out, as it looks to be quite the departure from anything else we’ve seen from the franchise — or even comic book movies.

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SOURCE: Collider

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