
The Sandlot Prequel Film Apparently In Development At Fox

Is nothing sacred?

Yeah, I know the answer to that question, and the answer is no. Nothing is sacred in the world of Hollywood. If something has a title that some in the audience will recognize, then you can bet you’re ass it’ll make its way back up to the big or small screen eventually.

Enter The Sandlot. It’s a classic film for any ’90s kid and the originator of the still-used phrase “You’re killing me, Smalls!” — even by people who have no idea where it came from. It told the story of a boy’s first summer in a new town where he was befriended by some kid and his gang of baseball-loving misfits. It’s a classic coming-of-age story, and with that in mind, you know the studio wouldn’t be leaving this one alone for much longer.

According to a report from Deadline, 20th Century Fox is in early development on a prequel to the beloved film. I know your instinct may be to scoff at this, but apparently, David Mickey Evans, who wrote and directed that first film, is attached to co-write the script with Austin Reynolds. Word has it that it will involve the “legend of the beast,” which played a big role in the original film. Admittedly, I’m not really sure what else could be told, but okay.

This news comes on the heels of the original film hitting its 25-year anniversary.

The Sandlot is no strangers to follow-up films, as it spawned two sequels in 2005’s The Sandlot 2 and 2007’s The Sandlot: Heading Home, both were likely awful and both should likely be erased from memory.

What do you think of a new Sandlot film coming out? Let us know down below!

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SOURCE: Deadline

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