
The Witcher: Showrunner Says The Story Begun In Season 1 Will Come Into Fruition In Season 2

Audiences across the globe are now watching or finished The Witcher Season 1 on Netflix, and whilst not all the critics are enamoured with it, I myself was very happy with Season 1. In fact, there was even one outlet who admitted in their review they skipped to Episode 5, didn’t like it and didn’t watch the rest so gave it a bad review. That’s some pro-journalism right there, but to be fair, quite a few reviewers were less than keen overall.

Maybe one of the issues with Season 1 for some critics is the way the story is told. In Season 1 we follow three distinct stories, that of Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri, but what confused some audiences was the shifting timelines of these three stories which jump back and forth across many years. For example, when we first meet Geralt it is prior to Ciri’s birth, and when we first meet Yennefer it is quite some considerable time before even that. This all makes sense in this universe because Sorceresses like Yennefer really don’t age at all, and Witcher’s like Geralt, age extremely slowly compared to normal humans. Season 1 is therefore about exploring each of these characters backgrounds whilst building towards all three coming together to begin their story as a threesome, something that doesn’t actually happen until the very last episode of Season 1.

So Season 2 theoretically should jump straight off from this point and perhaps provide a more linear story path from this point onwards. According to showrunner Lauren S. Hissrich, speaking with Games Radar recently, Season 2 is where this story will begin to come to fruition.

“What’s great about season two, I can tell you, is that, in what we’ve written, the story becomes much more focused. There’s a stronger drive in the story, because all of the relationships that we’ve been setting up in season one actually start to come into fruition in season two. Characters start meeting and interacting more. That goes well sometimes. It doesn’t go well sometimes. But it’s kind of like, all of those building blocks that we set up for the world finally start to come together into something a little more concrete.”

And Season 2 is just the start, there is a lot of material here and Hissrich previously spoke about how this could go on for at least seven Seasons when she spoke with SFX prior to release.

“There are definitely things that we know we want to do. In our brains, as writers, we say, ‘Oh, that could happen at the end of season three’ or, ‘that will happen in season seven.’ The truth is, we have a tonne of source material. We could write the show for a very, very long time.”

I personally and very invested and can’t wait to see what they do in Season 2, which I assume would be out around the same time next year, but perhaps it could be later depending on the shooting schedule for the already green lit Season 2.

RELATED: The Witcher: First Five Episodes Review – One Of The Best New Shows This Year

Have you managed to take in The Witcher yet, what are your thoughts so far, and are you excited to see the story develop in Season 2? Leave your thoughts in the usual place below as always.

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SOURCE: Games Radar

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