
Titans: DC Universe Polling Fans To Decide Jason Todd’s Fate

Hm…well this feels a bit familiar. Comic book fans may know the age-old story (or perhaps even lived through it themselves) when DC Comics polled fans to determine whether or not the second Robin, Jason Todd, would be meeting his end at the ends of the Joker. In a vote of 5,343 to 5,271, it was decided that Jason would ultimately die…sort of. I mean, it’s a comic, so no one is truly dead, but he was dead for over 15 years, so that’s something.

Anyway, DC Universe is rekindling some of that old DC Comics magic for their original series Titans. Once again, Jason Todd’s life is in jeopardy, and fans have been called upon to vote to determine his fate.

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“Holy 50 story plunge, Batman!” the post reads. “In the latest episode of ‘Titans,’ Jason Todd was used as a pawn in Deathstroke’s revenge against the team. Though Dick & Kori tried to save him, the episode ended with Jason falling to his doom. Will he live or will Jason Todd die.”

As of this writing, there are well over 14,000 votes cast (you can vote once a day), and in the lead is “Jason Dies” with a slim margin of around 59 votes (though that’s sure to change immediately as the votes continue to tally up).

Will this actually affect the outcome? Given the production process, probably not, but it’s a fun little homage to the comics, nonetheless. My guess is that DC Universe has their thumbs on the scale on this, but I’m sure once the season finishes we’ll be able to determine ourselves.

What do you think of this poll and how did you vote? Let us know down below!

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SOURCE: DC Universe

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