
Venom: Sony Twitter Account Trolls Fan About Tom Holland’s Potential Appearance

This morning, Sony dropped the first teaser trailer for their upcoming Marvel film, Venom. While the trailer was by no means bad, I’m sure I’m not the only one who was disappointed by the sheer amount of stuff we did not see. Sure, we saw Tom Hardy walking around, but had I not known that I had clicked on a Venom trailer, I’m not sure I would have known what property it was for.

RELATED – Venom Teaser Trailer Is Here!!!

Of course, this was an intentional move from Sony. The film won’t be hitting until October, and that gives them plenty of time to tease us now, and give us a full trailer down the line. One other thing we want to see (even though we know we won’t get it) is some sort of confirmation of the rumors that Tom Holland’s Peter Parker will be in the film.

While Sony has neither confirmed nor denied Holland’s appearance, their official Twitter account trolled one fan in particular about the possibility.

What do you make of these tweets from Sony? It is a bit odd that they replied to it at all, and it would have been much easier for them to just ignore it. Are these tweets the work of a puppet master of marketing, or are they a result of some intern having too much fun? Let us know your thoughts down below!

Venom hits theaters on October 5, 2018.

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