
Walt Disney Animation Cancels Gigantic

Walt Disney Animation’s Jack and the Beanstalk tale, Gigantic, has been shelved by the studio, THR reports.

“It’s impossible to know when we begin a project how the creative process will unfold, and sometimes, no matter how much we love an idea or how much heart goes into it, we find that it just isn’t working,” Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios president Ed Catmull told the outlet. “With Gigantic, we’ve come to that point, and although it’s a difficult decision, we are ending active development for now. We are focusing our energies on another project that has been in the works, which we’ll be sharing more about soon, now set for Thanksgiving 2020.”

The film was supposed to be a re-telling of the tale, where Jack befriends a female giant. In the director’s chair for the film were Inside Out’s Meg LeFauve and Tangled’s Nathan Greno. Also on board were Frozen songwriters Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez to provide new musical numbers for the flick.

Gigantic was first announced back in 2013 at D23, and since then, it’s been delayed a total of three times — most recently from 2018 to 2020. It’s very clear that they’ve been having some trouble with the movie from the very beginning. Given the amount of resources that project was likely given in development, it makes sense that they decided to cut their losses and move on to another idea with greater potential.

When all said and done, this is probably good news. Disney has been on a roll lately, and last thing we want is for their hot streak to get sullied due to their stubbornness.

As far as the talent goes, we’re sure they’ll all land on their feet. Greno already has some great films under his name, and Meg LeFauve has a Captain Marvel credit coming her way, so they’ll be fine.

We’ll have to wait and see what film takes its late 2020 slot.

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