
Warriors of The Wasteland – The New Barbarians | 50 B Movies – The Sequel – Bigger – Better – Badder

Warriors of The Wasteland

Hello dear reader. Do you like the idea of a post-apocalyptic wasteland where society has crumbled, and violent gangs roam free? How about vicious thugs terrorizing what’s left of humanity? Well then, come watch Warriors of the Wasteland. It’s a world where survival is the only law, and the weak are prey for the strong.

The New Barbarians ain’t your big-budget Hollywood blockbuster. It’s a B-movie through and through, with all the cheesy dialogue, low-budget special effects, and recycled sets that come with the territory. But that’s part of what makes it so entertaining.


First up, we’ve got our rugged hero, Scorpion, played with gritty intensity by Giancarlo Prete. Next, we’ve got Scorpion’s trusty sidekick, Nadir, portrayed by the incomparable Fred Williamson. Nadir is the yin to Scorpion’s yang, a wisecracking badass with a heart of gold and a mean left hook. With his swagger and charisma, Williamson steals every scene he’s in, adding a touch of humor and humanity to the film.

But what’s a hero without a villain to match? Enter the sadistic One, leader of the ruthless Templars, played with chilling intensity by George Eastman. The One is the kind of bad guy you love to hate, a villain with a diabolical plan and a penchant for cruelty. Eastman brings a devilish charm to the role, chewing up the scenery with a villainous glee that’s downright infectious.

And let’s not forget about the rest of the gang, from the brave Alma, played by the lovely Anna Kanakis, to the ruthless Templars, each character adds depth and dimension to the film’s dystopian world.

The Low Down

the world’s gone to hell in a handbasket, and civilization as we know it has crumbled. Enter our hero, Scorpion. But Scorpion ain’t alone in this fight. He’s got himself a trusty sidekick in the form of Nadir. And what’s a hero without a villain to match? Enter the sadistic One, leader of the ruthless Templars. The One’s the kind of bad guy you love to hate, a villain with a diabolical plan and a penchant for cruelty.

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B Movie Goodness

From the low-budget special effects to the cheesy dialogue, this movie has it all. Books! That’s what started the apocalypse!

So if you’re a fan of B-movie lines like that and, if you love action-packed adventures set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, then do yourself a favor and check out The New Barbarians. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed!

The Action

We’ve got car chases that’ll have you gripping the edge of your seat. Picture this: Scorpion and his crew tearing through the wasteland in their souped-up vehicles, dodging explosions and taking down enemies with expert precision. It’s high-octane action at its finest, and it’ll leave you breathless.

This ain’t your run-of-the-mill action flick with fancy CGI and polished choreography. No sir, this is old-school, practical effects-driven action that’ll have you cheering for more. From explosive stunts to daring escapes, The New Barbarians delivers action that’s as gritty and raw as it gets.

So if you’re a fan of heart-pounding, adrenaline-fueled action, then The New Barbarians is the movie for you. It’s a wild ride through a post-apocalyptic wasteland where the only law is survival, and trust me, you won’t want to miss a minute of it!

Next Time

Prepare yourselves for a journey beyond the realms of sanity and into the darkest corners of the unknown. Are you ready to have your senses tantalized, your minds twisted, and your fears unleashed? Well, hold onto your hats because the next B movie on our list is none other than From Beyond!

So, prepare yourselves for an experience like no other. From Beyond awaits, beckoning you to join us on a voyage into the unknown. But be warned: once you’ve crossed that threshold, there’s no turning back. So, who’s ready to take the plunge?

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