
Anakin In Ashoka – Hayden Christensen Is In The Disney+ Show

Looks like we need to expect to see some Anakin in Ahsoka. THR has revealed that Hayden Christensen fresh after reprises his role as Vader, will be back for the Ashoka Disney+ show. For any fans of The Clone Wars, or Rebels I’m sure you are probably as excited by this news as I am? When we see Ahsoka in The Mandalorian, it is clear she is completely unaware that Luke actually saved his dad and that Anakin is redeemed. It would therefore be so cool to have Anakin appearing to Ashoka as a Force Ghost. Maybe in a way, relieving her of the pressure this held for her. Perhaps it’s this meeting which transforms Ahsoka into the all in white Zen-Ahsoka we see at the end of Rebels?

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Of course, there is no guarantee exactly what form Christensen’s return will take. Christensen will likely play both Anakin and Darth Vader within Obi-Wan Kenobi in the form of flashbacks for the former. However, would flashbacks be a useful device in Ahsoka, when we have already seen much of Anakin’s relationship with Ahsoka played out in The Clone Wars? It’s absolutely possible, however I think most fans, like me, are hoping for a Fore Ghost appearance. I still to this day do not understand why Anakin wasn’t used as a Force Ghost in The Last Jedi? Anakin appearing to Luke in that movie, or better, yet, both Anakin and Yoda. For me it would just have been so much more poetic and cool.

My hope is that we get something similar here with Ashoka. Yet, at the same time, I always be wondering what might have been also?

What do you think of the news that we are getting some form of Anakin in Ahsoka? Are you excited to hear Hayden Christensen isn’t done with Star Wars again after Obi-Wan Kenobi? As usual, leave any thoughts below.

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