
Animated Deadpool Test Footage Leaks Online

Recently, it was revealed that the Deadpool animated series from FX was no longer happening. In the wake of that reveal, executive producer Donald Glover released a 15-page script online that the title page revealed as the “finale” of the series (though based on its references to current events, I’d be more surprised if it wasn’t a script that Glover wrote overnight in a fit of rage to show fans what they’re missing).

Well, now the animation studio Titmouse has released an animation test for the series, showcasing both the animation style, tone, and the level of violence they were hoping to utilize in the series.

In the clip, we see Deadpool overlooking a band of bad guys at some harbor. Of course, they look to be loading some bad guy goods onto a helicopter and are fully armed with both masks and machine guns. The voice of the Merc with the Mouth is Ryan Reynolds himself, but it’s accomplished using audio clips from the film.

Deadpool goes on to hack and slash his way through the villains before facing off against their ape leader (who fires a Tommy gun). Deadpool wins, but not before losing every one of his limbs and being fired off into the distance. Based on the violence shown in this clip, it’s very clear they were not holding back.

What did you think of this animation test? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Deadline

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