
Avengers 4: Chris Evans Signed On Because “It’s Going To Wrap Everything Up”

Chris Evans has been a key player in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since Captain America: The First Avenger in 2011, with the character seemingly gaining popularity with each appearance. Evans initially signed on for six films to play Steve Rogers/Captain America, which would have meant that next year’s Avengers: Infinity War would be his final turn as the star-spangled man. Yet, Evans is a confirmed player in the currently untitled Avengers 4, which would make seven films for the actor, not including his brilliant cameo in Thor: The Dark World.

How was Chris Evans convinced to stay with Marvel Studios for one extra film? Does he love playing the character and will he continue for years to come? Not quite.

Evans explained to The Telegraph:

“I had six films in my Marvel contract, so I could have said after the third Avengers I was done, but they wanted to make the third and fourth Avengers films as a two-parter. They said they had so many other characters to fit in — Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Ant Man — and couldn’t get them all into one movie.”

Most importantly, he agreed to the extra film, “because it made sense. It’s going to wrap everything up.”

Well, that’s slightly disappointing. Wrapping “everything up” sounds especially definitive for Steve Rogers, who is killed in the comics long enough for Bucky Barnes to assume the mantle of Captain America (though in the comics, this happens during Civil War).  We all figured Evans wouldn’t stick around long after his contract was fulfilled, even though he, like Robert Downey Jr., has shown some interest in playing the character in the future because he is happy with his arrangement with Marvel. This quote is more or less confirmation that Evans will be done after Avengers 4 in 2019.

As far as Avengers 4 wrapping everything up, this was also basically a foregone conclusion. All three Phases of the MCU have been leading up to Thanos and the Infinity Stones, the focus of Infinity War, and likely Avengers 4 as well. Looking ahead, past Avengers 4, we know to expect more cosmic adventures in the MCU, with James Gunn being one of the guiding hands going forward. His Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is one of only two films confirmed for “Phase 4” (if Marvel is still calling it that), and will set the tone, and direction, of what comes next. We’ve also expected to lose most, if not all, the original Avengers, as they complete their trilogies and contracts come to an end.

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on May 4, 2018, with Avengers 4 following on May 3, 2019.

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SOURCE: The Telegraph

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