Let’s be real here. Marvel Studios already spent nearly $4 billion on marketing Avengers: Endgame in the form of the first 21 movies. After all the time and emotion we’ve invested in these flicks, you can’t NOT see how it all resolves itself, right? The trailers have shown us the bare minimum amount of footage needed, and we’re okay with that. That being said, there still needs to be some semblance of a marketing presence.
Earlier this week, we covered a whole batch of 32 posters, showing off the living heroes as well as the dead ones from the previous movies. It highlighted not only the last remaining supers ready to take on the fight, but the cost that’s already been paid in taking down Thanos. Now, Marvel Studios has basically done the same thing with a standalone poster.
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As you can see, the foreground of this poster features the silhouettes of the fallen heroes, with Nick Fury standing front-and-center. These are the characters who were either killed or were snapped out of existence (seemingly minus Loki, from what I can tell). In the middle ground, we have the remaining heroes, which also includes Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie, who was noticeably absent last movie.
Finally, the background shows Thanos in his armor, which he spent most of the last movie out of. Now that the Avengers are getting serious, it seems like he is as well.
Personally, I think this is the coolest poster yet, and while I was already excited for this movie by default, it somehow gets me even more amped for the story to come. But what do you think? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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