
Avengers: Endgame Directors Don’t Know Gamora’s Fate

Avengers: Endgame managed to do some pretty slick stuff. At the end of Infinity War, I was a little bitter because I felt like Gamora’s death rang a bit false, and it seemed obvious she’d be coming back. And I was right…sorta. That Gamora remains dead, and instead, we were given a younger Gamora from around the Guardians of the Galaxy time period — good news!

But in spite of her helping out the Avengers, by the end of Endgame, she was gone. I had assumed she’d just run off, but I heard plenty of fans speculate that she got dusted by Tony Stark. Personally, I thought that would be stupid, as when using the Gauntlet I don’t think Tony singles out individual people to dust, but rather targets “anyone fighting us.” And with Gamora helping them out, she’d logically be safe.

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Well, maybe not. Apparently, not even directors Anthony and Joe Russo know what the hell happened to her, as they revealed to Business Insider.

“We don’t know whether she was dusted or whether she survived. That’s probably a question that Guardians [3] will answer,” Joe Russo said.

Anthony added, “[Peter] Quill doesn’t know either.”

“I’m sure future films will answer that question,” Joe capped off.

Well, s**t. And here I thought these guys would at least have an idea of whether or not she flew off by herself amid the confusion. That being said, I don’t think Marvel Studios would be dumb enough to kill this version of the character offscreen. At least young Nebula get to get an on-screen death, right?

How do you feel about Gamora in this film? Do you think she was dusted? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Business Insider

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