
Avengers: Infinity War Adds A Black Panther Villain To The Growing Cast Of Characters

One thing is for sure about Avengers: Infinity War, it will have not have a shortage of characters. Bringing together all the living Avengers seen in Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War, as well as the Guardians of the Galaxy and Nebula, Doctor Strange, and Wasp, Infinity War will see all these heroes facing their greatest threat yet, the mad titan Thanos. Two other characters likely to make an appearance, depending on how Thor: Ragnarok shakes out, are Loki and Hela. Now, we also have confirmation that another villain will be returning from an earlier Marvel Cinematic Universe adventure.

IMDB has revealed on Twitter that Winston Duke will return from next February’s Black Panther to again portray M’Baku/Man-Ape in Avengers: Infinity War.

In a movie so crowded, why involve a Black Panther villain in a more cosmic adventure featuring a villain from outer-space? Perhaps the role is tiny, or maybe…hopefully, Thanos is assembling his own team of villains to face Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. After all, Infinity War can’t be all the Avengers Vs. a solo Thanos, can it? Both the first Avengers film and Age of Ultron gave the team an army to fight, because players like Hawkeye, and even Captain America, aren’t evenly matched with the likes of Loki and Ultron Prime, but still need something to kill. Bringing back old villains is not a terrible way to go, as like our heroes, they need no introduction because we already know them.

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If this is the case, then there are hopefully plans to bring Red Skull back! He is clearly not dead, whisked off into space by holding the Tesseract at the end of Captain America: The First Avenger, featuring a special effect very similar to that of Thor traveling to Earth or back to Asgard. It would be a shame to leave that plot point unaddressed before Chris Evans retires as Captain America, and there aren’t that many living villains to bring back as it is; most met a grisly fate at the hands of our heroes.

Why do you think Man-Ape is being included in Infinity War? What villains would you like to see return if Thanos is building an army? Let us know in the comment section below!

Avengers: Infinity War hits the big screen on May 4, 2018.

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SOURCE: IMDB on Twitter

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