From more tie in merch we have our best look yet at Captain America’s new suit from Brave New World and it DOES have wings. This is the same suit we shared a merch image of earlier this week. However, not as clear an image. Therefore this new look shows us what we were missing, which is a big set of retractable wings.
I theorized and perhaps hoped that not having Wings may be a sign that Sam gets supered up in this movie. I know at least one reader shared my hope. Sadly this does not seem to be the case. Or at least, we can say it’s no indication that Sam will get powers.
Check it out below.
キャプテン・アメリカ ブレイブ・ニュー・ワールド
新しいキャップのスーツとヘルメットデザインが公開#キャプテンアメリカ #マーベル #ファルコン #CaptainAmerica— レッドブルーライブ (@redblueliveinfo) May 1, 2024
You can also see Sam’s helmet on the right hand side, presumably he wears this when flying. Though he never needed a full helmet previously in the MCU. It has been something fans have wanted to see though. Well, some fans online that were vocal about it.
RELATED: New Captain America And Falcon Looks Spotted On Official Brave New World Merch
The related link above also has an image of Joaquin Torres version of Falcon. I said there I’m less keen on that look. However, it’s not the best image and we need to see the final product really.
So, this does not actually shift the needle at all on the will Sam get powers argument. I say argument because from what I can gather the fan base is pretty split. Of those that actually care one way or another that is. I’ve met plenty of fans like me who wants to see Cap be Cap. So without powers Sam, nice guy as he is, won’t ever truly be as fun a Captain America as Evans was. Then, you have the other side of the aisle who think Sam not havening powers is fundamental to his version of Cap and that’s what differentiates him from the Rogers/Evans version.
It seems one half of those fans is always going to be disappointed, and I have no reason to assume it won’t be my side.
What do you think as we get our best look yet at the Captain America suit from Brave New World and it DOES have wings? Thoughts below as always.