
Captain Marvel 2 Finally A Go At Marvel Studios – I Hope It’s Better Than The First One

Everyone knows that Captain Marvel 2 would be happening eventually. Even Kevin Feige hinted at the movie when he announced the Phase 4 slate for the MCU. So far though we really didn’t know when, other than a bit of a guess work and there was still no official green light.

It looks like this has changed. Yesterday Thomas Polito of The GWW said that; well, have a look for yourself, that would be easier.

It’s not a smoking gun, though I have to say I agree with Polito’s interpretation of this information. It definitely looks like this is a code for the Captain Marvel sequel. For now we will call this simply Captain Marvel 2, but with Marvel you never know if it might get a subtitle instead?

As for when this movie is due to hit, well there is nothing in Polito’s report that states this. However, another scooper, Charles Murphy has gone one better and actually dated the movie. He doesn’t say whether he got this info from sources or just guessed based on the slots we know of.  Check it out.


Before anyone asks, no, I do not know what the movie dated for 5/24 is. Murphy seems to keeping any info he has on that under wraps for now, understandable given how far out it is. Though according to Murphy, 2022 is shaping up like this.

2/18 – Ant-Man 3 (might not be title)
5/6 – Black Panther 2
7/29 – Captain Marvel 2 (might not be title)
10/7 – Blade

It’ll be interesting to see if these dates for these movies actually pans out. At this point, if I was guessing, I would guess the same movies. October seems like the perfect month for Blade after all.

Captain Marvel 2 will be written by WandaVision staff writer Megan McDonnell. No director has been announced or rumored as yet, but it is thought Marvel would like a female director if possible. To be fair though, that could just be the media filling in the blanks based on what they think should happen.

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I have to say I didn’t think Captain Marvel was all that great a movie. I’m therefore looking forward to seeing a fully powered up from the start Carol Danvers this time around. I like the character a lot, I just didn’t think her origin story was that exciting and went on way too long for the second act.

What do you think about Captain Marvel 2, do we have the full slate now for 2022? Leave your thoughts below in the usual spot or head to our Discord for your chat needs.

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SOURCE: Charles Murphy (via Twitter), Thomas Polito (via Twitter)

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