
Captain Marvel: Clark Gregg Talks Playing A Young Agent Coulson And His First Meeting With Nick Fury

Clark Gregg’s Agent Coulson was like the glue that attached the early Marvel movies together, before Avengers and his characters death at the hands of Loki. Of course, fans of the ABC TV show Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD already know that death was not the end of Agent Coulson, who goes on to be the director of a newly formed SHIELD.

RELATED: How Captain Marvel Changes Nick Fury Into The Man We See In The MCU

Gregg has so far never come back into the movies, but that is about to change with next year’s Captain Marvel. You guys should know by now that Captain Marvel is set in the early 90’s, before Iron Man had even been thought of by Tony Stark. As such, we will once again get to see Agent Coulson in a Marvel movie, with Gregg playing a younger fresher version of the character, we assume with the help of some of that cutting edge Disney de-ageing tech.

Speaking with EW as part of their ongoing Captain Marvel coverage, Gregg talked about his first chronological appearance in the Marvel timeline. When we first met Coulson in Iron Man, he told Tony Stark this was not his first rodeo, but was Captain Marvel actually his first rodeo? Here’s what Gregg told the outlet.

“This might be the rodeo, it’s one of them, for sure.”

Gregg also talked about what it is like to go back and play a younger version of Coulson in this movie.

“There was something really special about going back to the early days when he was just kind of coming up the ranks. I had to take innocence workshops and go back to when he was a little less crusty and jaded! He’s a relatively new S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who is obsessed with MC Hammer and dresses just like him, and it makes Director Fury so angry. The genie pants don’t really go with the Armani.”

Of course this indicates that first meeting between these two characters will take place in Captain Marvel. Gregg describes it as a,

“Meet-cute moment, [laughs] I don’t think Sam will put it that way.”

Gregg also talked about the challenge of making him look 30 years younger for this film. He joked,

“People don’t know this but Robert Downey is actually 71. So they’ve been doing that for him in all of these movies.”

I am extremely curious to see how Captain Marvel plays out and we don’t have that much longer to wait. We expect a trailer will hit the web sooner rather than later for this movie and it will be interesting to see how well they have de-aged all these familiar actors.

If this works well, am I the only one who would love to see Marvel make an Ant-Man movie set in the 60’s and starring Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfeiffer?

What do you think of Gregg’s comments and how hyped are you for a Captain Marvel trailer, when it eventually arrives? Share your thoughts in the usual place below.

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