
Chris Evans On Why Captain America Has A Beard In Infinity War

Captain America is looking ragged in Avengers: Infinity War. Up until now in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the character has been clean-shaven and put-together. Given his overall Boy Scout nature, it made a lot of sense. He had the sensibilities of a man of the ’40s, and with it came the clean-shaven look that was oh-so-respectable in its day.

In the new film, he’s swapped out that baby-soft face for a full beard. Clearly, time has had its toll on the character, and while he still looks as strong as ever, there has been something that’s lost since he first thawed in his first film. But why the beard? Speaking with USA Today, actor Chris Evans opened up as to why he was sporting it in the upcoming film.

“He’s such a monastic character and he has such a quotidian approach to his existence. I imagine when he wakes up in the morning, there is a routine. Part of that is in his nature, part of that is just to keep his sanity, and that all kind of goes out the window a little bit after [Captain America: Civil War]. You see a guy who doesn’t stop caring but just puts down some of that obligation.”

Captain America’s arc in these films has been an interesting one. When introduced, we see someone with a very specific sense of self-righteousness. He feels like he’s doing the right thing and that the people he works under are the good guys. That perspective was shattered in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and was crushed even further in Captain America: Civil War.

After being burned twice, you can’t exactly blame a dude for giving up his razor. Why bother when you have no one else’s moral code to stand up to than your own? Also, I don’t think Dollar Shave Club delivers if you’re on the run, so…

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