
Deadpool 2 Actor Tan Lewis (Shatterstar) Talks About Auditioning For The Role








Actor Tan Lewis was part of one of cinema’s best gags in recent memory. He was part of the X-Force in Deadpool 2, that wasn’t really in the film for very long. As any of you that have seen the film know all too well, most of the X-Force was hilariously killed shortly after they parachuted out of the plane seen in the trailers, with Shatterstar being among them. Lewis recently spoke with LRM‘s own Gig Patta, and talked about his experience auditioning for Shatterstar.

“I knew about the film. I knew that I was auditioning for a Deadpool film, Deadpool 2. I didn’t know what character. David Leitch, the director, didn’t put out a casting for all those roles. It was very, very secretive. I didn’t know the name. They use fake names, so I was reading for a character named Asteroid. But, David Leitch basically reached out to me. He knows about me and my work. He’s friends with my family. He reached out to me and said, ‘Hey, I think I have something for you. It’s really special.” And of course, I was in. I didn’t even need to really know what it was.'”

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I know a few people who were very excited knowing Shatterstar was going to be part of the film, even so, most of them still enjoyed the joke. It really was a great bit that was executed very well. It was also nice to see that the actors were really good sports about the whole situation.

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Source: LRM

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