
Details On Zack Kaplan’s New Title Join The Future From AfterShock

Currently we are living in a world where it seems like small businesses/companies are being taken taken out by big corporations that can simply afford by names like Facebook, Amazon and Disney to name a few. As these few grow larger it also seems like their political influence also grows, making them in turn, more powerful. Of course they all claim to be doing this for our happiness and convenience, to essentially make our life better. So what would happen if in the future, every aspect of our lives came together under the watchful eye of a small group of mega-corporations? But what if there were small towns that didn’t want this lifestyle? This is something that is explored in AfterShock’s new comic book series, Join The Future.

In this new Sci-Fi Western series comes from the brilliant mind of writer Zack Kaplan, who is also responsible for such titles like Top Cow’s Eclipse and Port of Earth as well as AfterShock’s Lost City Explorers. The artwork is handled by artist Piotr Kowalski and colorist Brad Simpsons.

This future set by Kaplan, see’s most people living in ultra-modern mega-cities where nearly every one of their needs are met. The powers at be do this in order to compete in an economic war amongst cities in which population is key. Even though joining these cities is optional, this doesn’t stop them from pressuring self-reliant residents of the few small towns left in America. Unfortunately a deadly confrontation now forces the Mayor’s strong-willed daughter Clementine Libbey, who is described as “a regular Katniss Everdeen from Hunger Games meets Mattie Ross from True Grit”, on a mission for revenge and resistance.

Via an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Kaplan talked a little about his upcoming series say that it “captures the classic spirit of the Western, gun slinging excitement and grandiose adventure but with a sci-fi, futuristic twist, as technologically advanced cities reigning supreme in the dying whispers of the all-American small town. I’m excited because it’s more than a story of the city versus the country; it’s a story about the ever changing landscape of America.”

One of the most interesting parts of the interview was when Kaplan talked about how important was to make sure he had the right creative team, especially because he was going to need to have panels with a country western feel as well as others with a futuristic city. “When you create an epic Western in the future, simultaneously grounded and grand, that explores futuristic designs and classic Western vistas and atmospheres, you need the perfect team,” Kaplan said, noting that Kowalski and Simpson are “known for imaginative world building, impeccably detailed landscapes and inspiring vivid colors. The artwork is majestic, heartfelt and jaw-droppingly gorgeous.”

Kaplan’s creative storytelling usually takes on a roller coaster of emotions as we are never quite sure which side to cheer for, especially in Port of Earth, right when we think we know enough to pass judgement, he gives us new information that has us once again questioning everything. In Join the Future he immediately puts doubt in our mind as the main character Clementine, has asthma and requires an inhaler. Wouldn’t proper healthcare benefit her instead of risking it out in areas that lack resources?

We’ll get a chance to to Join the Future when it is released on March 4th, 2020 digitally and at comic book shops everywhere.


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Source: AfterShock via The Hollywood Reporter

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