
Did Chris Evans Confirm Plans For A Black Widow Solo Film?

Actor Chris Evans may have inadvertently confirmed the long gestating rumors of a Black Widow solo film. Speaking about the success of Marvel’s Black Panther with EntertainmentTonight Canada, Evans, who plays Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, said Marvel just has what it takes when it comes to superhero movies, and said nothing will change when future films are released.

“There’s nothing they can’t do, man. And I’m sure it’s going to have the exact same effect when Captain Marvel comes out, and then the Black Widow movie comes out. Marvel just has the winning recipe.”

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Evans is spot on, Marvel has all the right chefs in their kitchen, creating the gold standard of shared movie universes over the last decade. While Evan’s words don’t officially confirm a Black Widow movie, they do lend credence to its legitimacy. Played by Scarlett Johansson, Black Widow is one of the older Marvel character’s (in the MCU) without their own film. I think a Black Widow film is inevitable, with Johansson being an A-list star, coupled with the minds behind Marvel, there’s little doubt her Marvel character’s solo film would be a success

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Source: ET Canada (Via IGN)

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