
Director J.A. Bayona Says The Jurassic Films Are Not Monster Movies

Like many others when they first saw it, this writer became a dinosaur fan thanks to Jurassic Park. The book, and later the film, both propelled my curiosity into learning more about the animals that roamed this planet millions of years before humanity ever showed its face. While the book and the films have always done their best to show the genetically-engineered dinosaurs as animals, some still think of the franchise as “monster films,” especially with Universal’s history with the classic monster films. However, the director of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom disagrees entirely.

J.A. Bayona, the director of the latest installment in the franchise, sat down with CinemaBlend during a recent press day and had this to say:

We don’t talk about monsters when we do Jurassic movies. We talk about animals, and what I think is interesting about the Indoraptor is it’s a prototype that went wrong. So it’s not functioning the way it should be. But at the same time, it’s a being that you can develop some kind of empathy, if you want to say it like that. You can tell, there’s a moment that I asked Bryce [Dallas Howard], after she shoots the laser gun, and we see the dinosaur dying, the Indoraptor dying, there’s somehow a feeling of sadness about the Indoraptor dying on her face, because I really wanted to feel about the Indoraptor, too. For me, even though you can think about this movie as a monster movie, there are no monsters. There are just creations that we made genetically.

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Whether it be the animals in all the films or focusing specifically on the Indoraptor of the latest sequel, this franchise has stressed the importance that these beings are genetically-engineered animals that in some cases, suffer an error during their creation. If anything, it is the humans who sought to create these animals for profit that are the true evil in the story, not some sort of monster driven by malice. The animal is simply doing what humanity (in this case, InGen) engineered it to do. It’s living the way it believes nature intended it to.

In the end, all films in the Jurassic Park/World franchise show us that animals simply want to live while humanity is constantly split between using them for profit and protecting them from danger.

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Source: CinemaBlend.

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