
Dune Trailer Tease Hits: Full Trailer Tomorrow!

Dune gets a long-awaited trailer tease.

The Dune trailer is long overdue. It’s a project fans have been looking forward to ever since director Denis Villeneuve made his intentions for the franchise clear. Yet, somehow, it feels like we’ve been waiting for a trailer for even longer. We’ve been covering trailer rumors for months, but no one could seem to actually pin it down. Now, we finally have our first taste of what’s to come.

The official Dune Twitter account released a trailer tease. It is 40 seconds long, and in it, we see a cascade of floating heads as they disintegrate into dust…or dirt, I guess. We the logo and a fade in to Timothée Chalamet’s face before it fades out.

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Check out the trailer tease below!

As cool as it is, it still is only a little bit. We don’t have quite a full feel for what the film will be just yet. Luckily, we won’t have much longer to wait. The tease itself confirms that the full trailer will actually hit tomorrow! So, I hope you have your dune-trekking socks, because it won’t be long before Frank Herbert’s novel comes to life through the prism of one of the great modern filmmakers.

What did you think of the Dune trailer tease? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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