
Emily Blunt Says Edge Of Tomorrow 2 Was Delayed For Mary Poppins, Gives Update

Edge of Tomorrow was quite the surprising film. After a lackluster marketing campaign (and a pretty lame title), many expected this to be a film more on the level of Oblivion in terms of quality. However, what we get instead was a fun, solid sci-fi flick that felt like a fun mix of Groundhog Day and video games. Tom Cruise himself shined as the weasel Major William Cage, but the real shining star here was Emily Blunt as Rita Vrataski, the Angel of Verdun.

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In the years since then, director Doug Liman has teased audiences about the possibility of a sequel. He’s stated time and again that he had a fantastic idea for it, and that it would help to make the first film even more amazing in retrospect. So when can we get it? Speaking with IndieWire, Emily Blunt revealed that they’d hoped to shoot it last year, and she proceeded to give an update.

“It’s a lot for all the stars to align for everyone to be free at the same time and available to do it at the same time. They asked me to do [it] two months before I started Mary Poppins. Tom was like, ‘Can you go this autumn?’ and I was like, ‘No, I can’t go, I’m playing Mary Poppins for like a year, dude! I can’t do Edge of Tomorrow. Doug Liman has got an awesome idea and he’s excited and they just need to write it. There has been a script, but now I gather there’s another one in the works.”

So from the sound of it, they had a draft that they wanted to work with, but in the time since then, they’ve decided to have another go on the screenplay, for one reason or another. It’s not clear whether or not they’re just redrafting, or this will be a ground-up rewrite. Either way, it still sounds like we’re a solid few years from seeing a sequel.

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SOURCE: IndieWire

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