
Endgame Directors and Writers Disagree About This Captain America Plot Point

You would think that the writers and directors of a film would be on the same page about storylines. Especially in a story as complex as the one in Avengers: Endgame, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. There are major spoilers ahead for Endgame, and if you haven’t seen it by now you’re a terrible person.










There has been a lot of discussion about the rules of time travel in Endgame and what specific timeline did Captain America age in. The movie describes time travel as not being able to affect your original present/future by messing with things in the past. It’s very similar to the time travel rules for Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super. This setup has led many people to believe that Captain America traveled to an alternate timeline when he decided to take a break from hero-ing and married Peggy Carter. He then used his time heist suit to travel to his original timeline moments after he had left in order to pass on the vibranium shield. This is how the Russo brothers describe it in the interview below It should be cued up but if my skills at posting a link fails then skip to 5:30.

However, the writers seem to see things differently. They told THR that their take on the time travel is more like Back to the Future (even though the move specifically says it’s not) and believe the family Peggy has that was mentioned in CA: TWS is with Steve Rogers.

“It was always our intention that he was the father of those two children. But again, there are time travel loopholes for that.”

RELATED: Avengers: Endgame No, That’s Not A [SPOILER] Reference According To The Writers

So… you intended something you wrote the exact opposite of? If you follow the rules explained by the Hulk then there’s no question about where and how Captain America lived his life out.

So, whose side are you on? The writers or the directors/lines/logic? Let us know in the comments below!

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Source: THR

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