
Game Of Thrones: Last Two Books Have Already Been Written By George R.R. Martin, Actor Claims

George R.R. Martin has been the subject of ridicule among overzealous fans for years now. While many love the world he created in his A Song of Ice and Fire series (the source material for the HBO series Game of Thrones), many have grown frustrated in recent years that he has been so slow to churn out the final two books in the series, which are expected to be called The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring.

It’s been a joke for years that between his numerous commitments to the show, its spinoffs, the book Fire & Blood, And other random projects he’s attached himself to, that he has lost focus of the task at hand. Some of given up on the idea of him actually being able to write out the words “The End” in his lifetime as a result of his distractions. But that may not be true if we’re to believe the word of one actor.

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Ian McElhinney, who portrayed the late Barristan Selmy recently spoke at Epic Con last month, and he claimed that Martin had actually finished those last two novels.

“George has already written Books 6 and 7, and as far as he’s concerned there only are seven books. But he struck an agreement with David and Dan, the showrunners on the series, that he would not publish the final two books until the series has completed. So if all goes well, in another month or two we might get Books 6 and 7, and I’m intrigued to know how Barristan, for instance, ends up going through those final two books. George, I talked to him during Season 1 and he did say to me that Barristan had a very interesting journey. But unfortunately I didn’t get to play all of that, so we’ll have to wait and see.”

If true, this is some mind-blowing news, as fans have been hungry to see how this thing ends for years — and they especially have been anxious to see if the last two books would fare better than the last couple of seasons of the show.

I tell you what, as someone who still hasn’t managed to get through A Feast For Crows, this makes me want to instantly dive back into that book and finish A Dance With Dragons before this hits.

But do you think it’s true?

Well, we don’t know, but I can see this being the case, and a way for Martin to reward his fans for being patient. Do you buy it? Let us know down below!

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SOURCE: naturalist3d (via Collider)

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