
Game of Thrones Season 8 Set Photo Reveals Trebuchet Testing

Disclaimer, this article contains possible mild SPOILERS for Game of Thrones Season 8




Games of Thrones is probably the biggest TV show in the world right now and the world is awaiting the final Season of this epic story with baited breath. Unfortunately, we are all having to wait just a little longer than we’d like for Season 8 as it won’t hit screens till sometime in 2019 (let’s hope earlier rather than later).

Filming is currently still taking place in various locations, but mostly in Belfast, Northern Ireland. As such, some keen-eyed fans have been regularly staking out the studio from a distance to see what they could spy. Honestly, they don’t catch much, but we do know they caught Winterfell being set on fire, and this matches with expectations of a dramatic battle taking place there between the forces of Daenerys and Jon against the army of the dead.

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Now we have a video showing the production crew testing out a life-size trebuchet for filming. The video below was shared by A Red Priestess on Twitter and shows the trebuchet being fired off and reset.

Now, what does this actually tell us about Season 8? Here’s the thing, a trebuchet is a weapon used to break sieges, by launching items over or into castle walls. It is highly unlikely that the dead would be using a trebuchet, they’d just hurl themselves by the thousands at the walls until they could get over them, it’s not their style, plus they have a zombie dragon for that now. So exactly who is under siege and from which army are they being besieged? That’s a question I cannot answer, but we have to expect this battle does not involve the dead led by the White Walkers. Interesting to speculate upon, if nothing else.

If you have any ideas, which don’t involve any confirmed leaks, please share them in the comments section below.

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SOURCE: A Red Priestess (Via Twitter)

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