
How David Tennant Could Have Starred In NBC’s Hannibal

Recently most audiences remember David Tennant from his role in Netflix’s Jessica Jones. In the series he played the villainous Killgrave. Now he is ready to star as a rich serial killer in the film Bad Samaritan. Entertainment Weekly caught up with the actor, on if his current streak of villain roles is a deliberate choice by the actor:

“Nothing’s ever deliberate with me, I’m afraid,” says Tennant. “But there is something delicious about playing people that go to really dark corners of the human experience. I’m certainly not complaining!”

One interesting thing that came out of this interview is that Tennant revealed that his villainous roles almost started years ago when he was in the mix to play the role of the psychiatrist/cannibal in NBC’s Hannibal.

“I met [Hannibal executive producer] Bryan Fuller a couple of times, and we talked about it,” says Tennant. “But I think they quite wisely chose Mads Mikkelsen, I think he was a perfect choice for it, and I think he did things with that character that I wouldn’t have managed, so I think the right man got the job.”

I have to agree with Tennant, I don’t think that he would have pulled off the role in Hannibal. But we will have the opportunity to see him as a murderer in Bad Samaritan. Do you think he would have done a good job on Hannibal? Let us know in the comment section below!

Electric Entertainment’s Bad Samaritan is set to be released May 4, 2018.


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Source: Entertainment Weekly

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