
How Palpatine Returned — Smart Or Stupid? | Los Fanboys

How Palpatine Returned — Smart Or Stupid? | Los Fanboys by The GenreVerse Podcast Network by LRM Online

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In the latest edition of Los Fanboys, Jammer and Kyle talk this past week’s entertainment news: Palpatine’s return further explained and early home video options for theatrical releases.                                                                                                                                     

Question of the week: Are you annoyed that you must read additional material for The Rise of Skywalker to make more sense?


00:00:00 – Cold Open and technobabble
00:01:37 – The Rise of Skywalker: How Papa Palpatine really came back to “life”.
00:13:20 – Theatrical releases being put on video-on-demand services and streaming services during/before a normal theatrical run.

LRM Online contributor and active Army soldier Kyle Malone needs your help. CLICK HERE to lend a hand to the cause!

  FOR FANBOYS, BY FANBOYS Have you checked out LRM Online’s official podcasts and videos on The Genreverse Podcast Network? Available on YouTube and all your favorite podcast apps, This multimedia empire includes The Daily CoGBreaking Geek Radio: The Podcast, GeekScholars Movie News, Anime-Versal Review Podcast, and our Star Wars dedicated podcast The Cantina. Check it out by listening on all your favorite podcast apps, or watching on YouTube! Subscribe on: Apple PodcastsSpotify |  SoundCloud | Stitcher | Google Play
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