
Hugh Jackman Has Condition For Being In Secret Wars | Barside Buzz

According to some Barside Buzz Hugh Jackman has a condition for being in Avengers: Secret Wars. Though, I have to say I’m not sure I buy this rumor for once. The information comes from MTTSH and she says that… well, take a look.

“Hugh Jackman told Marvel he will return for Secret Wars but only if he’ll get to interact with Tobey and RDJ.”

So why don’t I buy this? Well this one seems like something that would be discussed in private between Feige and Jackman, or his reps. I guess I’m saying that surely only very high up execs would know if this was the case at this point. Can you really see that spreading down to the water cooler at Marvel’s HQ?

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Also remember that his comes after it has already been claimed that Secret Wars will feature all three characters. I’m even pretty sure MTTSH herself was involved in some of those claims. Then you wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg? If all three are in talks as has been claimed, then when and why did Jackman make this stipulation?

Listen I’m not an insider, but I follow them all. I can only say how I feel, and this one feels off to me. If I am incorrect and this gets verified (is it even verifiable?) then I’ll hold my hands up and apologise to MTTSH. Surely, the bucket loads of cash being offered by Disney would have more sway than having those two be present. However, at the same time it kinda makes sense as the last point to pull this off and it will make money. A poster with RDJ, Tobey Maguire and Jackman, hell maybe even Evans would get people to watch this without a trailer.

As always you decide for yourself on this one folks.

What do you think of this rumor that Hugh Jackman has a condition for being in Avengers: Secret Wars? Thoughts below as always.

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