
Indy 5 Ford In Costume Images Appear Online

Finally after seeing some stunt men and general location shooting we have Indy 5 Ford in costume images to look over. Check out the image below from IJ Adventure Outpost. Though there are a a lots of images appearing on Reddit now. Most are simply other angles of exactly the same thing you see here.

Standing with Ford we have producers Frank Marshall and Kathleen Kennedy, who also happens to be Lucasfilm president as we all know. Marshall and Kennedy have worked on all previous Jones movies, so it feels right they are back for what one assumes is the last hurrah for Ford. As for the two guys in black behind, we don’t know? Some speculation is that these are actors playing in the movie, but as yet that’s unclear. The man we can see clearly on the right does look like he’s in costume, unless he is wearing some strange clothes to work.

We may have a fair idea of where the Indy 5 prologue is going, (see related section below). However we do really have almost no idea where the main plot of the movie is headed. Rumors have said that Mads Mikkelsen is the villain and was a former Nazi who came to the U.S. during Operation Paperclip. However, with Indy, there’s always a MacGuffin, and so far we have no idea what that is?

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One wonders if there is some secret Nazi resurgence plot going on within the movie. Something like the Nazi’s getting their hands on an artefact which will allow them to rise again. These guys could be wearing some secret cult costumes, but again this is all just speculation for now.

Despite his age though, it’s good to see Ford in the costume again isn’t it? One of the biggest ever mistake made by Lucas and Spielberg was not making more Indy films whilst the actor was a little younger. Imagine a whole movie with a Ford in his 50’s playing Jones during the war in his 40’s? Still, as I said to my colleagues, I don’t have lofty hopes for Indy 5. I’d be happy if it’s the 4th best Indiana Jones movie. I just want it to be better than KOTCS.

What do you think of this Indy 5 Ford in costume image? Leave any Jones thoughts in the usual place below.

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