
J.J. Abrams Will Appear On The Episode IX Panel At This Year’s Star Wars Celebration

While we still have about nine months until the nameless film which is to be the final installment of Disney’s Star Wars sequel trilogy hits theaters, Star Wars Celebration is just around the corner. The convention will celebrate its 20th anniversary this year, with the festivities taking place April 11-15. The four-day weekend is filled with all kinds of nerdy goodness including autograph signings , stage shows and appearances by celebrties.

Many fans have hopes that the long awaited trailer for Episode IX will make an appearance, and is not, they hope to at least have the films title revealed. By this time in the process both The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi fans had a title and a trailer. There’s a feeling of uneasyness around the film due to the delays. Announced today was that the film’s director, J.J. Abrams will be present on the Episode IX panel. The news comes from the event’s official Twitter account you can check out the post below.

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If the trailer for Episode IX doesn’t drop at this year’s Celebration, well, I am going to really start to wonder what’s going on with the film, as I imagine many other fans will as well. Why we don’t have a title yet, I really don’t understand. Are they hiding something, or is the title going to be such a bombshell of awesomeness they want to hit the fans with it at the right time?

Will you be attending Star Wars Celebration this year? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Source: Star Wars Celebration

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