
Jack Black Issues Rock Off Challenge To Chris Hemsworth And Taika Waititi

Jack Black has issued a challenge to Chris Hemsworth and Taika Waititi, to be specific he has challenged them to a battle of the jams. As most of us know the first trailer for Thor: Ragnarok utilized a great Led Zeppelin song in, “The Immigrant Song.” The same song Jack Black famously rocked out to in School of Rock. Black, in a playful manner didn’t take too kindly to Thor using the song, and challenged the two to what essentially is a rock off.

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As anyone who has seen School of Rock, or listened to Tenacious D, knows that Jack Black takes his music very seriously, and also that Jack Black likes to have fun. I would love to see a sing off between Black and Hemsworth, or at the very least a karaoke rendition of the classic song. My money is on Jack Black.

Of course this is all tongue-in-cheek, and just a fun way for Jack Black to ruffle some feathers. Now that the challenge has been issued, I anxiously await Hemsworth and Waititi’s reply. Hopefully at least one of them, if not both will rise to the occasion and take on Jack Black in a sing off.

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SOURCE: Jack Black

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