
Josh Brolin Would Play Thanos In An Eternals Movie

In recent months, we heard rumors circulating that one of the properties Marvel Studios is circling to adapt to the big screen next is none other than The Eternals, which would continue their trend of diving further into the galactic side of things. But fans of the comics will know that this could also very well include the likes of Thanos.

But would actor Josh Brolin be up for this? While Brolin is no stranger to franchises (Deadpool 2, Sicario — if you can count it — and Avengers), but would actually be up to revisiting a character this many times? Speaking with Screen Rant, the actor was informed of the potential for his character to return, and he seemed up for it:

“Yeah, you know what, I don’t know what the future brings and who knows, but [I] love the idea of something infinite like this. I’ve never been involved in sequels. The fact that we’ve done some of Avengers 2, oh sorry, Avengers 4 but Infinity War 2, I’m going back. I’m going to do more, and we’re going to do some reshoots and all that. So, I’m excited about all that. I love the Russos. I love working on the Avengers. I didn’t think I was going to and I actually loved it. I didn’t even like it. I loved it. I like playing that character. It’s a Brando-esqe, Apocalyptic Now character and it’s fun, but you know, I don’t know. I don’t know what the future holds. I’ve been surprised my entire career so we’ll see.”

Of course, this isn’t an outright yes, but it’s very clear he had a great time portraying the Mad Titan in the two Avengers films, and seems open to the idea of revisiting. Like many actors, he loves to push his art creatively whenever possible, and it seems like whatever they’ve done here with this character — both in how it’s written and how it’s executed — is pushing him to discover new creative fulfillment.

Would you like to see Josh Brolin return as Thanos in an Eternals movie? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Screen Rant

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