
Kevin Feige Addresses The Avengers: Endgame Leaked Footage [NO SPOILERS]

I am sure you have heard by now that there is some very rough leaked footage for Avengers: Endgame which has appeared online recently. The footage apparently shows some sizeable spoilers for the movie, I say apparently because of course, I haven’t watched it. What’s been nice is that no websites are really running with this footage, because most people want to see the film fresh and unspoiled. However, there are those who have watched the footage or read what it contains and they are attempting to spread these rumors across many platforms of social media already.

Marvel head Kevin Feige addressed the leaked footage when he spoke to the Associated Press recently:

“I wasn’t pleased, it’s not cool. It’s not fun. But the response was what I expected, which was everybody turning it off, dismissing it, ‘Don’t watch it, don’t spoil it for anybody else.'”

Feige then went on to say why he believes this was the case:

“People are excited to see the movie fresh. People are excited to see the movie for the first time. That’s what they’ve been waiting a year, or twelve years, depending on where you joined us. So I’m excited that that day is finally here.”

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Yep, I have to say that were someone to hand me the script or any leaked footage right now I would literally run away from them. I see the movie tomorrow night and I want to experience it as fresh as I can be, a tricky task in this industry.

Just beware posts on social media for anything related to Endgame, even if they claim to be spoiler-free. Many of these clowns are using spoiler free tags to surprise people with real information. I remember being very slightly spoiled about Endgame as some so-called friend thought it would be fun to post a GIF describing Loki’s death onto a social media platform I use.

Sometimes once people know, they feel bad for knowing, so they then want to bring as many people as they can down with them. I am steering well clear of any social media until after I leave the theater tomorrow.

What do you think of this leaked footage scenario and where do you stand on this? Shout out in the usual spot below.

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