
Kevin Feige Loves A Galaxy Far, Far Away

For Star Wars fans, one of the more exciting prospects that was recently revealed is that Marvel Mastermind Kevin Feige will be stepping out of his comfort zone within the Marvel Cinematic Universe and try his hand in a galaxy far, far away.

Feige recently spoke with THR and had the following to say.

“I love that world and I love the notion of exploring new people and new places in that universe.”

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While I have been disappointed before by having too much confidence in a studio or individual, meaning I thought both Disney and J.J. Abrams would take better care of Star Wars and that I had little to worry about with the franchise. From my point of view, I was very, very wrong. This time around, I feel fairly certain that Feige will apply the same techniques to Star Wars that he did with Marvel and that with his knowledge and know-how, will give us something truly special.

Unlike the sequel trilogy, which seems like a game of pass the baton, Feige is much more a man with a plan type guy, and even though as of right now it appears he is only producing one film, why waste the talents of someone like Feige on one film? He will almost certainly have a longterm plan for Star Wars, even if it’s never utilized, I would bet somewhere in his head he has mapped out a few films ahead.

Are you excited that Kevin Feige is getting involved with Star Wars? Let us know in the comments down below!

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