
Loki Is Coming So We Watched Thor: The Dark World… Damn It! | MMM Loki Thorsdays


Loki Is Coming So We Watched Thor The Dark World... Damn It! Marvel Multiverse Mondays MMM Loki Thorsdays

Loki Is Coming So We Watched Thor: The Dark World… Damn It! | MMM Loki Thorsdays

Loki is coming on June 9th. However, with him comes chaos. The disorder will see time itself fractured and now Marvel Multiverse Mondays is on Thorsday! What else will the God of Mischief get into?

Thor: The Dark World is often considered to be the weakest link in Marvel’s glorious (yeah, we said it) record. How does it hold up when you have the full Infinity Saga to fill in the gaps and expand on its characters?

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MARVEL MULTIVERSE MONDAYS (Loki Thorsdays) is the premier ALL THINGS MARVEL podcast from LRM Online’s Genreverse Podcast Network. Kyle and Nick will be guiding you through the latest phase of the ever-growing Marvel Cinematic Universe. From the latest episode of a Disney+ show to a feature film by Marvel Studios (…or Sony….), we’ve got you covered with inciteful recaps, Easter eggs, and further MCU speculation!

Did you miss the last episode? Catch it here:

Catch our past reviews of WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Here or anywhere you get podcasts. Also Available on our YouTube channel.

Nick, co-creator of Breaking Geek Radio: The Podcast, and Kyle Malone, creator of podcasts including Daily COG and Anime-Versal Reviews will be here for you every Monday (or Thursday); your guides to the MCU!

Kyle (@ThatKyleMalone)and Nick (@geekyNICKDOLL) can’t wait to dig into the Loki series. However, this isn’t the same Loki we mourned in Infinity War. Also, we don’t even know how many Lokis we will see. Time to get green with envy and dig into the rightful heir of Jotunheim.

Question(s) of the week: What do you grade Thor: The Dark World? Does it get better or worse in the context of the entire Infinity Saga?



  FOR FANBOYS, BY FANBOYS Have you checked out LRM Online’s official podcasts and videos on The Genreverse Podcast Network? Available on YouTube and all your favorite podcast apps, This multimedia empire includes The Daily CoGBreaking Geek Radio: The Podcast, GeekScholars Movie News, Anime-Versal Review Podcast, and our Star Wars dedicated podcast The Cantina. Check it out by listening on all your favorite podcast apps, or watching on YouTube! Subscribe on: Apple PodcastsSpotify |  SoundCloud | Stitcher | Google Play
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