
More Animated Anakin Teased By The Clone Wars Actor

Could we Star Wars fans be getting more animated Anakin Skywalker? The Clone Wars actor Matt Lanter who voiced Anakin ion the series teased something new coming when he recently spoke with EW.

“There’s some new Lucasfilm Animation going on. I’ve been a part of some things I can’t talk about yet. You’ll see Anakin again,” Lanter promises. “I never quite put Anakin down, whether I’m doing a video game or something new for Lucasfilm Animation.”

Considering a new show set in an Anakin timeline seems unlikely, one wonders if this could be some flashback for The Bad Batch? It feels like there is not much more of Anakin’s story to tell as ‘Anakin’ outside of The Clone Wars and the movies. Perhaps, as we will see in Obi-Wan Kenobi there is some room for Darth Vader, but that would not require Lanter’s services would it?

RELATED: The Bad Batch Runtimes Revealed For First Three Episodes

Truthfully, we have no idea what Lanter is talking about here. Perhaps there is some new Lucasfilm project none of can guess right now? Certainly I have heard no rumors of  another animated show in development either from our own sources or any of the others we follow to share news with you readers. Perhaps there is an answer to this riddle from someone further down the line? However for now, your guess is as good as mine as to what ‘new Lucasfilm Animation’ is going on. Other than The Bad Batch, and in that timeline Anakin has already become Darth Vader, suit and all. Intriguing.

Would you been keen on seeing more animated Anakin Skywalker, with Lanter performing the voice? As always let us know your thoughts, or any theories about where this is leading below.

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