
MoviePass Breaks 1.5 Million Subscribers!

The theater subscription service MoviePass continues to grow as its subscribers now total 1.5 million. This increase comes just about a month after reaching 1 million subscribers. With the heavy increase in users, the company is hopeful the trend will continue and the business will keep growing. Chief Executive Officer of MoviePass, Mitch Lowe, had this to say:

“Based on the dramatic increase in the number of MoviePass subscribers over such a short period of time, we believe MoviePass will continue to grow its subscriber base significantly. We’re giving people a reason to go back to the movie theaters and they’re going in droves. With awards season here, we hope we can make Hollywood and exhibitors very happy by filling seats with eager audiences.”

RELATED: MoviePass Has Just Hit An Amazing Milestone!

As for what is driving people to MoviePass, Ted Farnsworth, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of HMNY said in a statement:

“MoviePass is attracting people back to the movie theaters by lowering their cost, which we believe is transformational for the industry. We believe the data MoviePass collects from these million and a half movie-goers will become an important asset to our partners and the future of the movie industry.”

This is a killer deal for anyone who goes to the theater frequently. If you live near the theater, you could get in 30 showings for just $10/month, of course, most users aren’t going to make the trip to the theater that often, but once you have seen two films, the service that month has effectively paid for itself.

MoviePass will likely lead to many theater chains offering some sort of similar subscription, with CineMark already having a MovieClub plan, though it doesn’t seem to be as customer friendly as MoviePass.

Are you a MoviePass subscriber? Let us know in the comments down below!

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 Source: Deadline
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