
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood: New Set Photos And Videos Of Tarantino’s New Flick Take Us Back In Time

Next year, filmmaker Quentin Tarantino will be taking back in time several decades, to the sunset of the Golden Age of the film business with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. In true Tarantino style, you can expect there will be a lot of great detail and care being taken in bringing this world to celluloid, and if you need further proof than the simple pedigree of the filmmaker’s name, there’s some footage online for you to peruse.

For starters, we have a new set video uploaded by a YouTuber, and in it, we get to see the familiar, yet distant, time period of the ’60s, where phone booths and old-timey cars reign supreme. You can almost smell the pollution in the air thanks to the stellar production design here. And it wouldn’t be a Tarantino film without some period-appropriate theaters showing old movies, right?

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But that ain’t all. Coming Soon also has a batch of set photos that their photographers managed to snap. In one, we see Tarantino directing stars Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio alongside their car, and the rest of the series of photos show the two actors driving in the vehicle. The next batch show Tarantino with Al Pacino, another actor set to join the film, and in the final image, we see the DP sitting in a crane with Tarantino near.

This film is to be set in 1969 and will follow a washed-up Western star who is trying to survive in an ever-changing business alongside his long-time stunt double.

What do you think of these photos and set video? Sound off down below!

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SOURCE: Phil Grishayev,

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