
Pokémon: If It Were A Horror Movie (VIDEO)

When you stop and think about it, the world of Pokémon is pretty darn horrifying, isn’t it? It’s basically about these damn people who go around catching animals and force them to fight each other. Sure, it may have the nice kiddie polish that only Nintendo can bring to it, but at the end of the day, we’re onto their little game, and we won’t stand for it.

Luckily, we’re not alone. Long-time YouTuber NigaHiga thought this would be good material for a horror trailer, and went full-on horror on this one. The trailer shows a young Pikachu who is captured by a dastardly Ash Ketchum. He is then forced into a life of fighting — a life he never chose — lest he face the eternal confines of a Pokéball. It’s a goofy-ass trailer, but worth your time, especially if you’re looking forward to Pokémon: Let’s Go next month.

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If you want to nitpick on this thing, I wouldn’t call it a horror movie as much as I’d call it a thriller or something. But that’s just me being an asshole. But will any of this prevent me from playing Pokémon: Let’s Go or the impending core RPG experience coming next year? Hell no. I’m still on board with this, even if it is technically animal cruelty.

Where do you fall on this debate? Do you feel bad for the Pokémon, or are they just tools to be utilized as we see fit as superior humans? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: nigahiga

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