
Robert Rodriguez Says We’ve Seen Nothing Of Boba Fett So Far

Robert Rodriguez says we’ve seen NOTHING of Boba Fett so far. The director, and exec producer on The Book of Boba Fett recently had a chat with The Nerdy Basement below. He was asked about The Book of Boba Fett, but of course he cannot really talk about it. We know Rodriguez will direct at least one episode but when pushed for more details about that he clammed up. He did take some time to hype up the upcoming show again though.

“I can say I’m working on it and I can tell you it will blow your mind, I can tell you that.”

“You saw him arrive in my episode (Mandalorian Season 2)… that was NOTHING. I know it’s going to deliver. I know it’s going to over deliver.” 

A director/producer hypoing their own project, I know, you never get that right? In all seriousness though this is the second time Rodriguez has hyped TBOBF in the last few weeks so he is definitely pleased. My worry with Rodriguez is that some times he just goes too far for me. However with Favreau and Filoni also on producing duties I think they’ll reign him in when necessary.

RELATED: New The Book Of Boba Fett Details? | Barside Buzz

We don’t know a heck of a lot about TBOBF yet. What details we have been able to gather from other sources and our own you will find as you go back through the related links beginning above. Ultimately it appears Fett is on a revenge mission of sorts, we will probably get some flashbacks, and both Bossk and Cad Bane are set to appear. Oh and there are rumors that Dinn Djarin will show up at least once in the show.

The Book of Boba Fett has been likened to The Mandalorian 2.5 by everyone involved. This is the next step of the Mandoverse story being told across multiple shows and years.

Robert Rodriguez says we’ve Seen nothing of Boba Fett yet! Well, considering the little we have seen has been better than anything else Fett has ever done, I hope that’s true. Can’t wait to see The Book of Boba Fett when it hits Disney+ in December. As always, leave any thoughts below.

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