
Ron Howard Talks About Qi’Ra’s Motivations At The End Of Solo: A Star Wars Story

Disclaimer, the following post contains major SPOILERS for Solo: A Star Wars Story, if you have not seen the film yet, be warned.




Let’s talk a little bit about the ending of Solo. In the movie, Han’s love interest was his boyhood sweetheart Qi’ra played of course by Emilia Clarke. After Han and Qi’ra were separated at the beginning of the movie, their lives went down very different paths. Qi’ra, of course, got heavily involved with Crimson Dawn, the organized crime syndicate, which we later found out was controlled by the artist formerly known as Darth Maul, but he just goes by Maul now, like Madonna.

RELATED: Solo: A Star Wars Story – Qi’ra’s Hand-To-Hand Combat Has A History In Old Star Wars Canon

After Qi’ra helped Han defeat Dryden Vos, she sent him away and said she would be right behind him. Instead, Qi’ra took the ring off of Vos’s dead hand and contacted his boss, Maul. It’s reasonable for an audience member to think Qi’ra chose success and power over her love for Han. However, director Ron Howard in a lengthy interview with Empire Online says he thinks Qi’ra’s motivations were purer than that.

“In my mind, she knew she couldn’t run off with Han. It would be his death and hers. She set him up to go, assuring him that she’d follow, but knowing she couldn’t really. She had to clean this situation up as best as she could. I think she hoped she could report in and then disappear, but Maul trapped her. He said, ‘Come to Dathomir and we’re going to be working closely together’, and you realise, ‘Oh my god, she’s traded one oppressive boss in for an even scarier dude’, in a way it fuels her ambition and puts her in a position of heightened power, perhaps. Or heightened danger. I thought it was kind of courageous for her.”

So in the director’s mind, Qi’ra took this upon herself due to her love of Han, to keep him away from the fallout and any retributive actions Maul might employ. I must say, I wasn’t sure which way I felt more strongly fit for her character. We still have no idea what Qi’ra had to experience in her years absent from Han. It seemed vague enough for me to be able to interpret the ending either way, which is a good thing.

I didn’t love Solo, I’ll admit, but I enjoyed it enough to want to see where this all goes in a sequel, alas the poor box office may mean we never get to see what was next for these two star-crossed lovebirds.

What do you think of Howard’s comments? Let us know in the usual place down below.

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SOURCE: Empire Online

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