
Rumor: Loki TV Show To Be about A Younger Loki’s Life, Tom Hiddleston To Narrate

We have known for some time that Loki would be getting his own TV show on Disney’s new streaming service Disney +. Fans have wondered just how this would be possible given that Loki was killed by Thanos at the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War last year. Therefore officially Loki is well and truly dead in the MCU, for now.

The theory from some fans was that this would be a story about Loki from before this point, possibly covering some of the adventures he had after the events of Thor, before his reappearance in Avengers as the main antagonist.

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However, thanks to our buddy Charles Murphy from That Hashtag Show, we now have an intriguing little rumor to consider, check out Murphy’s tweet below.

So could this show possibly feature a younger/new cast playing the likes of Loki, Thor and Odin, with Hiddleston narrating? I have to say that this doesn’t at first sound that interesting to me. Part of what makes Loki such a great character is Hiddleston himself.

But is this true? As reliable as Charles tends to be, he is labeling this as a “rumor” and not an exclusive, so it’s likely he can’t get a second source just yet. I must admit to hoping it’s false, but that doesn’t mean squat. At the end of the day, we may have to wait until we have either a corroborating rumor from an alternate source, or something more official from Marvel (though the likelihood of the latter any time soon is probably pretty close to zero).

Would a show featuring the far younger adventures of Loki interest you? Share any thoughts you have in the usual place below.

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SOURCE: Charles Murphy (via Twitter)

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