
RUMOR: Suicide Squad 2 To Hit Production Next October

Suicide Squad 2 is a film that’s been rumored to hit ever since that first one took the box office by storm last year. More recently, it was confirmed to be in development, with The Accountant’s Gavin O’Connor, but no production date would get confirmed.

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Over the course of the past year, there have been some dates that hit for next year, including March 2018. However, Omega Underground is now reporting that the film is expected to begin principal photography in October 2018. They go on to point out that this gives actor Will Smith plenty of time to work on the Ang Lee sci-fi flick Gemini Man.

Additionally, actress Margot Robbie, who plays Harley Quinn, had mentioned she would be filming as the character in 2018. However, seeing as there are several projects in development that would feature Harley Quinn, it was unknown which one of them it would be. With Suicide Squad looking to begin production late next year, it would seem that this is likely to be Robbie’s next appearance as Harley.

This means that while Justice League was less than well received, the studio’s 2018 production date is jam-packed with Shazam! beginning in February, Wonder Woman in June, and now Suicide Squad 2 in October.

Are you looking forward to seeing these films enter production? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Omega Underground

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