
Solo: George Lucas Directed A Bit Of The Upcoming Star Wars Film

Following the controversial Star Wars: The Last Jedi, I couldn’t count the number of comments I saw that were of fans pleading Lucasfilm to let George Lucas back in to direct a Star Wars film. Now, it sounds like those fans will be getting their wish…sort of.

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Speaking with EW in an extensive piece that chronicled the tumultuous production of Solo: A Star Wars Story, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy recalled a set visit from George Lucas around the time he picked up production.

“He had intended to just kind of stop by and say hi, and he stayed five hours. There’s even one little moment in a scene that — I can’t tell you what, sorry — but in the scene on the Millennium Falcon where George said, ‘Why doesn’t Han just do this.’”

It actually is a funny little bit that will probably get a laugh. And Ron happened to be by the monitor and not inside the Falcon and he goes, ‘Oh that’s a great idea,’ and ran in and said, ‘George wants us to do this.’ So that was pretty cool. I think George felt pretty great about that. He could revisit these characters, and I think he felt so comfortable, obviously with Ron being there, that it was just fun for him.”

Okay, so it’s not actually a scene, nor is it much more than a moment. Still, compared to the other films in the project, which didn’t seem to have his influence at all, some may be happy to see that he still has the smallest fingerprint on the upcoming finished product.

Do you wish that Lucasfilm would George Lucas his own Star Wars film to direct? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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