
Split: How M. Night Shyamalan Revealed To Anya Taylor-Joy That The Film Was A Sequel

By this point, it’s clear that filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan kept things pretty close to his chest in terms of Split being a sequel. For many audiences, it was a complete surprise when the ending scene ended with Bruce Willis staring up at the TV, reminding a fellow patron that the other nut from 15 years ago went by the name Mr. Glass.

And just like that, Split became a stealthy sequel. It had been one that audiences had been begging for for years, but that we never really expected to get. But how did he reveal this surprise to the actors? While we can’t really shed much light on the other actors, actress Anya Taylor-Joy discussed how Shyamalan revealed it to her. As it turns out, she didn’t even realize it until they went to a screening:

“We went to a test screening in Arizona, just the two of us, and at the end of the movie, I was really buzzing. I’d never seen Split before, and it wasn’t with the ending with David (Bruce Willis) in it. We went outside into the parking lot, and I was really buzzing. I was like, ‘This is so crazy!’ And then, he let me in on it and I was just like, ‘Oh, my goodness! That’s going to blow people’s minds! That’s so crazy! You have to allow me to come onto set and see you doing it.’ And he was just like, ‘What makes you think you’re not coming, too? Casey is a part of Glass.’ I was just like, ‘Really?! Seriously?!’ I was fangirling so hard. I found out about it the way that everyone in the audience found out and was just like, ‘No way! That’s crazy!’ It’s really fun to be part of a movie where you know that it’s a cinematic experience for people. People will remember being in that movie theater and seeing Bruce Willis pop up on screen, and experiencing that mindf**k. It was crazy!”

RELATED – Glass: Current Cut Has James McAvoy With 21 Different Personalities

Shyamalan is nothing if not a showman. That’s probably the best way to make a revelation to an actor, and that revealed ended up being a pretty solid microcosm of how general audiences took the news about the film. Given how big of a surprise the film ended up being, there’s no doubt there’s a lot riding on this film. Do you think it’ll live up to these expectations? Sound off down below!

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SOURCE: Collider

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